18 Simple And Effective Home Remedies For Constipation To Get Fast Relief

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For some of us going to the bathroom and doing “#2” is as easy as a,b,c.

On the other hand, there are millions of people who dread going to the bathroom because it feels like a nightmare.

Constipation can be painful and very uncomfortable. But the sad fact is that more than 20 million Americans suffer from this problem every year.

Some people may experience a temporary case of constipation as a result of a recent diet change but for others, this can be a chronic and consistent problem lasting for weeks while some women may experience constipation during early pregnancy as well.

What Exactly Is Constipation?

What Is Constipation?

In order for us to be on the same page, let’s understand how constipation or bowel obstruction occurs so that you can determine if indeed this is the problem you are trying to address.

As the digested food moves through the digestive system, the colon absorbs nutrients and water from it, forming stool to be eliminated.

Constipation usually occurs when too much water has been absorbed by the colon and the stools get dry and hard.

The main blame for constipation goes to a poor lifestyle and diet.

The good thing, though, is that nature has provided unlimited remedies to deal with constipation. Below is a detailed outlook of 18 of the best home remedies for constipation.

18 Homes Remedies For Constipation

Constipation Remedies

If you believe you’ve been suffering from constipation, the following home remedies should give you some much-needed relief.

1. Yogurt

The probiotics found in yogurt may help improve the digestive system while keeping the good bacteria present in the body.

Yogurt works to keep the good bacteria in your body strong and plentiful thereby lessening the severity of constipation should it occur.

Remedy:  Simply take 1 to 2 cups of yogurt per daily and they will help to promote bowel movements.

Digestive Enzymes

2. Prune Juice

Prune juice is yet another constipation home remedy in use today.

What makes prune a perfect choice for people suffering from constipation is that it is an effective laxative and rich in fiber.

Therefore it helps ease constipation quickly.

Take: 2 glasses of prune juice (one in the morning and another one at night) and that should help.

3. Aloe Vera Juice

The inner lining of a typical Aloe Vera leaf contains anthraquinone glycosides, which have been proven to ease constipation with its laxative abilities.

Moreover, aloe vera has been proven by scientific evidence to help breakdown food in the intestines, contributing to treating constipation.

Note that you can mix aloe vera gel with fruit juice and still get relieved from constipation.

Remedy:  take 2 tablespoonfuls of aloe vera gel every day.

Try This

4. Spinach Juice

Raw spinach contains the finest organic material required for cleansing and reconstructing the intestinal tract.

Actually, spinach is categorized among vegetables that have been categorized as the most vital food for the digestive system since time immemorial.

You can mix spinach juice with equal parts of water and drink.

Remedy: Blend up two cups of spinach with water and drink daily. You can also use coconut water for a better taste if you wish.

5. Coffee

Coffee is our friends sometimes.

As you might be aware, coffee contains caffeine which is a natural stimulant. This same stimulating power has been proven to provide the perfect boost for the digestive system.

Take: 1 to 2 cups of black coffee per day will help. Try not to have coffee late in the evenings close to bedtime because coffee is known to contribute to insomnia.

Green Coffee Plus

6. Papaya

Papaya juice is slightly sweet but with a musky smell to it. It is a good source of vitamins A, B9, K, E, and C.

For constipation, papayas are a good source of papain; a natural enzyme that digests protein.

According to a journal titled “Biochemistry of Human Nutrition,” partially unripe papayas are the most effective in constipation treatment.

Take: Drink at least 3 glasses of papaya juice per day.

7. Oranges

According to research done by Mayo Clinic, one medium orange contains 3.1 grams of fiber.

This fiber and an abundance of vitamin C (found in most citrus fruits) promote a laxative effect in the digestive system.

Take: Eat at least 2 oranges in a day

8. Baking Soda

Baking soda contains a substance called sodium bicarbonate which has a couple of useful first aid purposes.

First, it can absorb and neutralize acids in the stomach. Moreover, it can relieve intermittent and occasional heartburn and indigestion.

And the icing on the cake is that a mixture of baking soda and lukewarm water can provide quick relief from constipation.

Mix 1 tsp baking soda with ¼ cup of warm water and drink. Try to gulp it down really quickly without thinking about it to avoid worrying about the unusually weird taste.

9. Cabbage Juice

The first benefit of using cabbage to solve stomach problems is that it is rich in fiber.

Thanks to this natural endowment, whenever you take a meal that contains cabbages you can rest assured to have your intestines cleansed.

You can also try cabbage juice from uncooked cabbage. Uncooked cabbage is rich in glutamine, an element that is essential for intestinal health.

Take 1 to 3 glasses of cabbage juice per day (or 1 meal that has an abundance of cabbages).

10. Castor Oil

Castor oil is obtained from the castor seed which has a very interesting chemical combination.

It contains unique fatty acids that are thought to be responsible for its amazing healing properties.

One more interesting feature of castor oil is that it is broken down into ricinoleic acid which then improves the condition of the small intestines.

This is the main reason why doctors recommend castor seed oil to people suffering from stomach disorders.

Take 1 to 2 teaspoons of castor oil on an empty stomach in the morning. This should be followed by plenty of water.

11. Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap molasses has been making headlines as one of the most reliable home remedies for constipation.

Accordingly, blackstrap molasses contains iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, manganese, B6 and selenium. For relief from constipation and stomach problems, add molasses to a glass of hot water.

You can add some ice and soy milk or chocolate almond for a yummy concoction.

Take 2 tsp molasses (one in the morning and another one just before you go to bed).

12. Raisins

Raisins are the perfect remedy for constipation for your toddlers.

It is worth noting that diet with low fiber content is one of the biggest reasons behind constipation.

So if you want instant relief, you need to stock up on fiber – and raisins are your best bet to this effect.

Apart from softening stool, raisins support colon health by eliminating bad bacteria and increasing the number of good bacteria.

Take: Eat at least30 grams of raisins per day.

13. Dandelion Tea

Forget about the harsh laxatives for a while now.

Dandelion root tea may be the cure you’ve been looking for.

This tea has mild laxative and diuretic properties a feature that makes it a safe bet for people with sensitive digestive systems.

Above all, dandelion tea appears to promote the function of good bacteria in the digestive tract in addition to promoting quick absorption of essential nutrients to the digestive system.

Take: Drink about 3 cups of dandelion tea each day until symptoms of constipation fade off.

14. Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds have a myriad of benefits that go beyond nutrition and wellness.

They benefit our body as a whole especially the stomach, spleen, liver, and kidneys. Sesame seeds have been proven to help in digestion by removing worms from the intestinal tract.

Moreover, sesame oil is known for its soothing effect. This means that it can improve bowel movements and therefore deliver a remarkable measure of relief against constipation with gas.

Take: You can add a few ounces of sesame seeds to your food or put them in a shake when making a smoothie.

15. Epsom Salts

Epsom salts contain a substance known as the salt of magnesium sulfate.

How does this substance bring relief from constipation?

Magnesium sulfate pulls water into the colon area of the digestive system. This effect ensures there is adequate moisture in the small intestines making it easier to pass stool.

In addition to this, the magnesium component of Epsom salts makes it easier for the colon to contract thereby evacuating stool.

Take: Add 2 tbsp of Epsom salt to 1 cup of water (fruit juice would work too). You can take 2 doses per day.

16. Hot Water

While millions of us rush to hospitals for medications to treat stomach problems, perhaps the simplest ways to manage constipation is by drinking plenty of water.

By lubricating the large and small intestines, adequate water can help prevent chronic constipation by easing the flow of digested food through the digestive tract.

It is worth adding that constipation happens when the body eliminates more fluids than it absorbs. As such, drinking inadequate water (especially during hot weather) leaves you prone to constipation.

Take: Drinking at least 1 glass of hot water per day, as well as 6-8 glasses of normal temperature water, would be a good remedy for dehydration and chronic constipation.

17. Apples

Never take the phrase “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” for granted.

Apple fiber can help you meet the total dietary fiber requirement level per day (an adult should take at least 30 grams of fiber per day).

One or two apples can help work towards actualizing that goal.

Tip: Always eat your apples with the skin on (unpeeled that is).

It is worth adding that apples have comprised about 64% insoluble fiber and only 36% soluble fiber. The role of insoluble fiber is to increase the bulk of your stool while that of soluble fiber is to develop a gel consistency thereby softening the stool.

Remedy: Eat at least 2 unpeeled apples per day.

18. Coconut

Coconut through coconut flour and meat is a great source of natural fiber.

Actually, the percentage of fiber in coconut is much much higher than what is found in wheat barn. Since you an adult needs at least 25 grams of fiber per day, adding a frequent dosage of coconut to your diet would definitely be a good idea.

Aside from the fiber bit of it, a typical coconut fruit contains lots of coconut water which can bring much-needed relief to constipation.

Take: Drink 2 glasses of coconut water per day or eat as much coconut meat as you comfortably can.


Did you know that preventing constipation is much easier than treating it?

Keep a healthy lifestyle regimen in your daily routine and make sure you stick to it.

Rule of the thumb – increase the quantity fluid and high-fiber foods taken.

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